Camp Precast Concrete
is a manufacturer of precast concrete products with a combined experience of more than 100 years. The company has a manufacturing facility in Milton, Vt. In addition to its standard precast concrete products, Camp Precast also offers custom precast products to meet its client’s needs and specifications. Its production facility is certified by the National Precast Concrete Association and its batch plant is also certified as a Vermont Agency of Transportation approved facility services to retrofit, repair and maintain existing pump stations.

Camp Precast distributes “Storm Water Treatment Systems” and “Onsite Wastewater Pretreatment Units”. We retrofit, repair and maintain existing pump stations.

Committed to Quality & Safety with its standard precast concrete products, Camp Precast also offers custom precast products to meet its client's needs and specifications.

Contact Us
Call us Today for a Consultation to further discuss your needs and offer our solutions! We are local to Vermont. No job to small or large!
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